Systematic approach in five steps:
Kovia operates based on an underpinned five-step approach:
Collect all relevant data that can be of importance for the optimisation of your process or the development of your project. Think widely,
but check the consistency of the information.
Step 2:
Turn your data into information.
Analyse your data. Make graphs. A picture tells more than a thousand words. Look for ties. Make calculation models. Validate on the basis
of reality.
Step 3:
Transform your connections into concrete projects.
Step 4:
Who, what, where, when …
Convert your analysis tools and calculation models into follow-up tools.
Translate objectives into detailed targets per production line.
Quantify causes of non-compliances.
Does everything tally?
Step 5:
Gaining greater insight is perhaps the most important aspect of optimisation…
Spreading insight and providing courses and training go hand in hand with the optimising of a process or completing a project, and are
essential for permanently achieving good results.
After step 5 go back to step 1.
- Information collection
- Analysis
- Conversion into projects
- Follow-up
- Insight, training, raising awareness
Collect all relevant data that can be of importance for the optimisation of your process or the development of your project. Think widely,
but check the consistency of the information.
- Knowing more can never do any harm
- You can only see something if you look at it
Step 2:
Turn your data into information.
Analyse your data. Make graphs. A picture tells more than a thousand words. Look for ties. Make calculation models. Validate on the basis
of reality.
Step 3:
Transform your connections into concrete projects.
Step 4:
Who, what, where, when …
Convert your analysis tools and calculation models into follow-up tools.
Translate objectives into detailed targets per production line.
Quantify causes of non-compliances.
Does everything tally?
Step 5:
Gaining greater insight is perhaps the most important aspect of optimisation…
Spreading insight and providing courses and training go hand in hand with the optimising of a process or completing a project, and are
essential for permanently achieving good results.
After step 5 go back to step 1.